
I turned in my animation application

me walking out of the HFAC today
it is done. finished. it's really weird. I'm at a mix between "FREEEEDOMMMM" and panic attack. that is the 7th time I've said that today. so it must be true.

so here's the dealio/agenda/whatever: they are going to review all the applications tomorrow. TOMORROW WHAT THE SWEAR WORD. I mean holy expletive batman. Because of how PROMPT they are being about reviewing our portfolios I guess we can get our sketchbooks back by thursday or friday (what even). Then within a week or two they.. email us to come get our letters of acceptance or denial. this is not how mail works, but ok I guess.

Anyway, until then I will feel weird and anxious and general malaise but also mixed with like relief and hopefully an understanding that there is basically nothing more that I can do. tune in next time for a recap of my trip to LA et al and then after that to see what happens to a dream deferred (unless I get in, in which case you will see something else presumably).


LOOK AT THIS GIANT SPIDER IN MY ROOM 2: Spider's Revenge (alt subtitle: This Time it's Personal)

go read the first post about this first and then read this one.

OK SO LAST NIGHT I AM GOING TO BED. It's like 3 am, as you do when you're in college and your animation application is due next week. I am sitting writing in my journal about how good a day it was (for real, yesterday was mad productive, I got a ton of work done on my lego that I'm redoing and I did three pages of my sketchbook in like two hours and generally things were going well) WHEN OUT FROM THE SHADOW OF MY PILLOW THAT SPIDER COMES BACK AND THEN IT CRAWLS ALL UP ON MY SHOULDER.

how did I know it was the same spider? How could I forget. also don't even try to suggest to me that there is MORE THAN ONE OF THESE IN MY ROOM AND THEY LOOK EXACTLY THE SAME AND THEY HAVE THE SAME MONOMANIACAL DRIVE TO GIVE ME ARACHNOPHOBIA.

I am freaking out and like standing up on my bed and like jumping a little bit and I get off and am like what do I do I can't even sleep there again IT WAS IN MY PILLOW.

So obviously I start googling, as one does. I remembered seeing a little while ago that vinegar was a good spider repellant and who just happens to have a spray bottle of vinegar. Of course I do. So in  the time it took me to google all that information to make sure it was in fact vinegar and not like.... I don't know what else it could honestly be, THE SPIDER IS BACK AND AT IT AGAIN. I'm like spraying down my pillow and as I pull it off GUESS WHO IT IS.

So this loser is scuttling around my wall just like the night before and I am OVER IT. I grab an empty can I happened to have from eating Chicken noodle soup earlier that day (recycling saved my life right here) and I GET THAT MOFO. I know, from last night's parkour fiasco, that at the first sign of weakness this spider will escape! Unfortunately, I'm nowhere near any paper. I finally am able to grab an envelope and I'm like "yes finally it is finished" BUT THE ENVELOPE IS TOO FLIMSY AND THE SPIDER GETS OUT. this is me:
ok so I am 100000000% done at the point. I grab the can I dropped. The Spider is on the floor. The lid from the can comes out of the can and falls on the spider AND IN MY PRIMEVAL PANIC I JUST START SMASHING WITH THE CAN AND MAYBE I ALSO SCREAMED A LITTLE BIT.
me last night
The spider carcass is still there because I don't want to touch it. here are some snapchats documenting the whole ordeal
I would have let you live, but you left me no choice.
I hope you burn in spider hell



ugh I'm not even scared of spiders but when I first saw this little SOB he was like SPRINTING OUT OF MY PILE OF PAPERS RIGHT NEXT TO ME. and I am like
but ok whatever, my mom taught me right and living on the edge of town in the basement equals lots of spiders all the time so I grab a glass I happen to have next to me, and at this point this still skittering around my wall like a meth head. So I get it in the glass and IT IS GOING CRAZY IN THERE!!! and it runs to the end of the glass and I pull it away AND THIS FREAKING SPIDER PARKOURS ITS WAY ONTO MY PRINTER AND AT THIS POINT I AM LIKE

this gif is especially appropriate since it is 1 in the morning right now/when this happened
and then it scurries out of sight until I finally found it over by my doorway where it continues to be, in a corner, where the whole "grab it with a glass and throw it in a bush" method is completely ineffectual. Also I have a bite on my leg that I'm 98% sure is a spider bite at this point. OH SHOOT WJERE TID oh there it is. this spider is switching tactics from meth head to weeping angel. I don't really want to squish it because my mom raised me right and spiders are beneficial for the ecosystem BUT IF THIS SPIDER IS A HOBO SPIDER SO HELP ME.

will update later when there is a conclusion.


update two and a half: it's squishing itself all up against the wall! what does that even mean! it's such a big spider that it has to crush like half of its limbs to fit where it's hiding what even!!

Update Three: do you think it will just stay there if I leave it? because I really want to go to bed but I don't want to squish it but I feel like if I leave it be it'll come crawl in my bed and bite my legs like ants do at my parent's house.
If my bed weren't up against the wall like it is, it's cinder block and a half height off the ground would keep me safe from everything except divebombing spiders on the cieling. Where can I get a hammock in provo at this time of night?

Update four: trying to get all my junk together for tomorrow and I think I've walked through fifteen spider webs. Also there is a ton of really long hair on my floor that I discovered today/right now and like... where did that even come from. I guess whoever lived in this room before me. oh the spider also hasn't moved

FINAL UPDATE: I went to bed and when I got up the spider was nowhere to be seen. One can only hope it found its way outside or to one of my roommates' rooms, but let's be real it's probably hiding somewhere in my closet or something


From Hell's Heart I Stab at Thee

"Here's food for thought, had Ahab time to think; but Ahab never thinks; he only feels, feels, feels, that's tingling enough for mortal man! to think's audacity. God only has that right and privilege. Thinking is, or ought to be, a coolness and a calmness; and our poor hearts throb, and our poor brains beat too much for that. And yet, I've sometimes thought my brain was very calm—frozen calm, this old skull cracks so, like a glass in which the contents turn to ice, and shiver it." -Moby Dick, Chapter 135 "The Chase—Third Day."

In case you guys didn't know, Moby Dick is like my favourite book. So many good quotes. Also you can take said great quote and just like swap out "whale" and all that for really anything you want and you get some great results. Here's an example:

He tasks me; he heaps me; I see in him outrageous[ly bad writing], with an inscrutable malice sinewing it. That inscrutable thing is chiefly what I hate; and be [Twilight] agent, or be [Twilight] principal, I will wreak that hate upon him. 

that was a pretty easy target, but I don't want to hurt anybody's feel feels too bad. Comment with your own!!


InaOak Citypriate

well howdy do there friends. It sure has been a while! I think it's high time I regale you with tales of my recent activities. You'll have to speak with me in person if you want to know more about my brief stint as a lifeguard of the Provo pool, but I will tell you on this blog all about 1) animation application aaaaaaaaa and 2) the magic of my ancestral homeland and the Edward Partridge Memorial Day Breakfast. Let's start with Amination.

Today I think I finished my 2D animation in a way that is suitable for my application! It porbably still needs some tweaking, but so be it. Here's a video compilation of all the animation I've done by hand that I happened to have kept. Also, DID YOU KNOW YOU CAN ADD MUSIC TO YOUTUBE VIDEOS. I picked the best song ever.

Here is the final version of my Flour Sack that I'm going to submit

 My sketchbook is a source of permanent terror. I am like always behind in it. I hope that this will get better now that I don't have a job, but I guess we'll see. My 3D is coming along, my figure drawings are a mess.

ok enough about animation, let's talk about the best family reunion of all time. Last weekend, the fam fam and I went down to Oak City, Utah, the place of my father's birth (in a green house, because in those days they hadn't invented hospitals yet). Here are some pics from my phone
my brother everyone
This is Ben holding a baby. in the background is my other brother, Marshall
on Saturday Joseph and I went back to the hotel to watch Star Trek and this happened.
Every Sunday night there is THE EXACT SAME TALENT SHOW. that's what family tradition is all about. It actually wasn't the exact same because I didn't sing like I usually do (I am ok with this.) but otherwise we had the good old staples of On the Road to Mandalay, Wishy Washy Soap, blowing out the candle (weirdo international version idek), Bessie had a cow (pictured above) AND SO MUCH MORE!!!!
 Now I must tell of my Aunt Lisa (she's really my cousin, but my family is weird and she's basically my aunt anyway). She is pretty much the coolest person ever. She's a real dynamite gal. Anyway, I can't type. Lisa is the person who organizes everything every year and also she is not afraid to call it like it is.  She once KO'd a girl by hitting her in the head with a hairbrush. You don't mess with aunt Lisa. Once last year, Indy came with us and when she met Lisa, Lisa was like "And where do you hail from?" thinking Indy was another family member she hadn't met yet (which, given the size of our family, is not that absurd). Indy's reply was, of course, "uh.... Norway?"

Here are some pictures of my dad and his friends!!!!
this is my dad and his friend, Winston. They got up to some MAD SHENANIGANS when they were kids. My (actual) Aunt Mary (pictured, middle) said that they made her life miserable. Once my dad and Winston crashed a plane in a sunflower field outside Oak City. My dad does not like Winston's wife and makes my mom talk to her. Winston and my dad are cousins on his mom's side. Winston and my dad is Indy and me in about 70 years.
This is my dad and his friend Reese (I am probably spelling that right). Dad was telling me all about Reese and his convo, but I can't remember it right now. I'm pretty sure they are cousins too. Also note that awesome hat my dad is wearing in this pic.
This picture was taken during the DANCE!! that we have every saturday at the reunion. I also remembered why I started talking about Lisa. She came up to us (Abigail, our niece Carly, and me) on friday and was like "some of the boys over at the basketball court were like 'Hey Lisa we hear you have a bunch of HOT COUSINS coming into town today, you should send them to the bball court!' and I told them 'I'm not sending them over to the basketball courts, IF YOU WANT TO MEET THEM YOU BETTER COME TO THE DANCE TOMORROW'" and I can only imagine she snapped her fingers in a Z formation and drove away on her ATV.

Anyway, the dance is when ALL THE LOCALS COME OUT OF THE WOODWORK AND DO THE SQUARE DANCE AND IT'S INCREDIBLE. The thing about all the Oak City teens is that they are all like at least a year behind fashion or like fifty years, depending on the kid, but either way, we're all probably too related to each other to actually get married so I'm not sure why any of them are interested (Oak City is like mini-Iceland. Oak City is the reason I am my own fifth cousin. twice.) Here are some videos of Ben and Jojo getting up to trouble.

Finally, on the last day, memorial day, we have the memorial day breakfast, in honor of Edward Partridge, first bishop of the LDS church and father of two of our collective grandmothers, who also were married to the same guy, Amasa Mason. When Trek rolls around, Joseph is going to be Amasa, I'm going to make Abigail come and be one of the partridge sisters and I will be the other one and it will be super weird. the end.

At the breakfast, there are three main staples: Sour Dough Pancakes, eggs over easy and ham. To drink you have milk freshly juiced from the cow and tang. That's right, TANG. Last year Indy and I were in charge of making sure there was enough milk and tang put out and we came up with a little diddy based on a line from an infamous Black Eyed Peas song that goes a little something like this: "Fill up my cup (TANG), mazel tov (L'Milk!)"
jojibobo during the breakfast. He had bathroom duty, along with Abigail and Carly. That's what happens when you don't sign up quick!!
ok this blog post has been far too long, here's a kiss goodbye and I will probably write again after I've submitted my application to the program!!
I wore last year's reunion shirt under my brighton jacket and this happened.
outside Mike's Taxidermy, one of the two stores in Oak City.