
important announcement about the lifespan of this blog

oh... I forgot to post on here. heh. well I have some big news.


yes children that is because I got into the animation program! I can FINALLY GRADUATE FROM COLLEGE! (in three years). hooray finally in a major!!! It only took..... four years. SUPREME SENIOR STATUS NO REGRETS. actually this is what I'm thinking the system is like:

Senior (where I'm at rn)
Super Senior
Superlative Senior
SUPREME SENIOR (hopefully when I graduate because after that all that's left is:)
Blood Pact Senior
Weird Senior
Dreadnaught Senior (probably a grad student maybe?)
Dark Senior
Fear Senior
Eternal Senior (aka PHD student or medical student in their final year of residency)

so yeah just shy of a decade to get my undergrad of course no problem that would happen. It's fine. It's fine. OK LOOK AT THIS:

below the cut for ridiculously dysfunctional learning about how I got in:



yes kids that's right, today (....I'm writing this april 2nd but... it's like 1:30am so it still feels like april 1 ok) I submitted my application to the animation program once more and for the final time, scary!! Here is a snap story of my adventures:


also can I just share my super weird fear??? so. when I applied the last time we took our sketchbooks to the DVA main office where like... people were kind of looking over them/making sure they werent stolen. Well I have this terrible paranoia that someone is going to go through the giant stack of sketchbooks and decide to STEAL MINE TO SABOTAGE ME. ok I know that that is super unlikely. Like my brain zone is like "that's not going to happen" but my ANXIETY ZONE is freaking out. I waited as close to the due date as a I could honestly to prevent anyone the opportunity at least.

but I guess all day today there were what some of my friends are calling sketchbook mercenaries ie other students hanging aroudn the box outisde kelly's office so they can go through ppl's sketchbooks and like.... see what they... had in there I guess. There were a couple ppl chillin when I got there to drop mine off so I mean... this seems like a very real thing that was happening. ugh ugh ugh I'm sure it'll be fine bah.

edito: also it's interesting to look at what I posted last time and to see how I felt about it. I will say I feel a lot calmer about the whole thing (other than the weird anxiety/paranoia about sketchbook misplacement. OK BUT THAT IS JUSTIFIED I met a girl one time who applied for the 'gram last year and her sketchbook just was like... lost I guess so I mean. it happens.) I would say less like aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa and even less like "yay I'm free now" and more like... how I felt when I got off my misison. Like, I definitely just feel like "now what?" like........ all Ivé been doing for the last month and semester and school year has been working toward this program and now it's out of my hands so... what do I do with my time now?

I'm thinking maybe starting a comic actually

should I post what I submitted??? I kind of want to but I also kind of don't because what if I don't get in??? that's kind of a dumb reason  to not post so I guess I'll post. slash at this point I don't even care.


the finalest flouriest of sacks

I made this

update here's the one I'm submitting for my portfolio



The Saltiest Genealogist

ít's me. I'm the saltiest human being to have ever undertaken the great task of genealogy. I am pretty much constantly leaving stupid and/or smart remarks on anything I do. But tonight, I recieved a message, that I recorded in this snapchat story. You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll want to do genealogy too. sorry about the random stuff at the beginning (I tried to skip that but youtube is terrible) and also the aspect ratio.


All the things I should have said

wow wow wow doesn't that blog title just sound like it needs some angsty poetry following it??!?!?!??!??? well, I aint about that life. but I feel bad I did not post at all really last semester and there were definitely things I COULD HAVE posted about that curse me. Ok so here are some things I should have made blog posts about!!!!:

-how I live in the old MTC because it was the only housing I could find

-the time I hiked up timp and it was the worst ever and I had a panic attack on the summit and everyone with me decided that would be a good time to TAKE A NAP and leave me alone with my mental illness!!! word to the wise: don't hike with funteens.

-how I had my alarm clock set to 1:30 in the morning, but I thought it was set to 6:30 but I would always just turn it off and go to sleep but all my roommates who were still awake heard it and could not figure it out and then one night at roommate prayer they were like "have you guys heard the mysterious beeping noise?" and I had no idea and then when my alarm went off that night two of them burst into my room shouting "IT'S YOUR ALARM!!!!!" and I was so asleep I was just like "sorry" and went back to sleep and forgot it even happened until my roommate apologized to me the next night, hahahah what a good time.

-how Icelandic and spanish are apparently the same language in my head (like really, I try to speak spanish and icelandic comes out it's a problem when I'm in the spanish sunday school class, I cannot articulate)

-I drew a lot of stuff, I should have posted some of it. I guess I will right now, enjoy:

In other news for this semester, I have restarted my draw a day project, 52366! Additionally, for my icelandic class this semester we are doing a blog for part of our assignments! Here is mine!!! even if you don't speak Icelandic I'm sure it will be some kind of quality.