
important announcement about the lifespan of this blog

oh... I forgot to post on here. heh. well I have some big news.


yes children that is because I got into the animation program! I can FINALLY GRADUATE FROM COLLEGE! (in three years). hooray finally in a major!!! It only took..... four years. SUPREME SENIOR STATUS NO REGRETS. actually this is what I'm thinking the system is like:

Senior (where I'm at rn)
Super Senior
Superlative Senior
SUPREME SENIOR (hopefully when I graduate because after that all that's left is:)
Blood Pact Senior
Weird Senior
Dreadnaught Senior (probably a grad student maybe?)
Dark Senior
Fear Senior
Eternal Senior (aka PHD student or medical student in their final year of residency)

so yeah just shy of a decade to get my undergrad of course no problem that would happen. It's fine. It's fine. OK LOOK AT THIS:

below the cut for ridiculously dysfunctional learning about how I got in:

So earlier this week my older sister who lives in California texted and was like "we're going to be up at snowbird on thursday and friday if you want to come!" and I'm done with school and had like nothing else to do so I was like ok! and then like... a little bit later it occurred to me that like... my letter was very definitely going to come on either thursday or friday, so when I would DEFINITELY BE IN SALT LAKE.

So thursday I went skiing and ON MY WAY HOME MY FRIEND MICHAEL TEXTS and is like "you have to come to the department office RIGHT NOW!!" and like... I'm in salt lake. but I knew what it was about so I had him grab my letter for me which was awesome but anyway it was just at a bad time and I was like.................... when am I going to get to provo. so I decided because I already had plans with shasta to go to yoga to just do that and then go to provo. so I did that and yoga was awesome good workout like three thumbs up and it was a perfect destressor.

but the drive home was really stressful anyway. Alright anyway I get to raintree and I rush in and go to michael's apartment and bang on the door and he's like "shannon!" from inside and I just like screamed and then he opened the door and handed me the letter and I grabbed it and ran away but I also was like thanks! but then anyway I wanted to go somewhere private but then I got impatient and so in the middle of the courtyard at raintree I open it up and like... .I like couldn't read I was so nervous and like it was really funny because anyway I finally found the word "pleased" and was like YES GOOD THINGS and then I was able to calm enough to read the first sentence and then I actually shed tears of joy which is like.... wow.
I really didn't think I would do that. but I did. Approximately 3 tears. but anyway the funny thing about it was that like... all of that happened in front of this random girl and I like noticed her and was like ".....this is really weird" and then I just like ran past her super awkwardly and it was GRATE. and then I went home, read the letter for real and starting calling people. That's the whole story it's a lot funnier when I tell it in person but anyway.

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