
Me around guys I don't like (most guys) (sorry guys), A gifset

(Here's another thing I never posted and I don't know why bc it really encapsulates so much so please enjoy goodbye -2020 Shan)

I have been waiting so long to post this. I pre-emptively made this because I KNEW EVENTUALLY THE PROVODATE WOULD COME AND BOY DID PROVO NOT DISAPPOINT.


It's time to post a blog

Hi I never posted this! Probably wanted to add some gifs or something and then forgot about it. This post was originally written the winter semester of 2017 and I'm just going to share it as is while I work on finishing off this blog once and for all. Enjoy!

Hello friends I am here. What is new in the life of shan????????? Well I mean the entire last semester RIP. yeah my life is good and also I'm going to jerusalem over the summer, but here is a MAGIC TALE FROM MY LIFE ARE YOU READY?????

ok so I was sTRUGGLING ALONG getting my drawing for animation homework done (and honestly it did not even be that good [wowwwwww what is english]) but to reward myself I went to the vending machine after. well at the bottom of one of the refrigerated. YYOUKN OWY WHAT THIS WILL BECOME A BLOG POST. ok on the bottom of one of the refrigerated vending machines they sell apples for IDK how much because I'm an unhealthy person and never buy apples (ever or really any fruit or healthy food period) out of the vending machine. Anyway this machine somehow got a little... messed up. The apple was somehow placed precariously hanging over the edge of the vending machine (like if it didn't have a built in protector thing, you could totally reach your hand up and grab it without even bending your wrist) I might need to provide an illustration for this post on the blog btwwwww. and I'm like "well that's messed up lol" and didn't really think much of it. I ended up deciding to buy a chocolate muffin which was like three rows up, exactly over the messed up apples, but again, still not thinking much of this situation. AS THE MUFFIN IS DISPENSING it occurs to me "oh, the muffin is probably going to hit the apple isn't it" and SURE ENOUGH.
So this is already a great A+ experience in my life, but it is only IMPROVED UPON BY LEARNING THE OTHER HALF OF THE TALE. I go up to class eating my free apple  and am like living the life and begin to tell the story to some of my friends who are hanging out before class starts. Well my friend Michael comes up and I'm like "MICHAEL LOOK AT WHAT I HAVE BEEN BLESSED WITH IT IS THIS APPLE" and he knows EXACTLY what apple I'm talking about because about an hour prior to my receiving this bountiful vending machine harvest Michael also went to the vending machine, BUT WITH THE INTENT TO PURCHASE AN APPLE. he saw that the machine was messed up and thought if he bought an apple he would get two which he didn't want and so he tried to buy a blueberry muffin(next to the chocolate muffin) wITH THE THOUGHT THAT IT WOULD HIT THE APPLE ON THE WAY DOWN but guess what. nope. and then when he got his muffin it was all squished up. there's some moral in here about intent to commit vending machine fraud but I'm not here to get into the lingo. Until next time (probably like 2 years from now)!



the green scare of 2017

the day my life temporarily became this vine (sidebar RIP in peace Vine always in our thoughts)

Yes hello friends it's that time again, for Shannon to tell a tale of woe, desperado and wild romance.

BUT FIRST! let me update in general on my life. Successfully did the Jerusalem thing which was great great great and now I'm back. Here are some Provo moods courtesy of Snapchat and starring ya girl and her friends
I just noticed the faded mickey mouse looking sassy on his shirt and now I'm picturing him saying the hat instead of Britney 

this was not in provo but it's still mood

all day every day in that lab straight grinding out that BFA diploma with the sculpted head of Kelly as moral support obvi

fun times with the Jeru pals

I bought the giant pack and immediately regretted it but now that it has proved its usefulness I feel that way no longer
also I forgot to even blog about the Lyme Scare of 2017 (there are a LOT of scares in the last three weeks, no wonder I'm so anxious and stressed all the time) but here's a pic from that:
I got a spider bite that faded to this bullseye thing and called my mom about it and she was like "ITS LYME DISEASE GO TO THE ER RIGHT!! NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" and I went and they were like "it..'s not lyme disease" and the next day the bite was completely gone ðŸ™ƒ

Also Indy, Haley and I did the dirty dash and dressed up as the trams from snowbird!! Our team name was Dick Bass Powder Patrol and it was a blast but I also was so cold my body shivered so hard.



Provo Pilgrimage

this is the state I'm in trying to unpack from provo and get ready to go to Jerusalem on Tuesday. THIS IS FINE. Also you might note the existence of TWO cell phones on my desk. That's because I'm taking my mom's old old oldo lodldoldodo ancient"purple pink monstrosity (which I have named Goblin Village) with me to the holy land instead of my boy Johann III. Also I'm taking my super old little baby iPod from high school. and my old point and shoot camera. WE ARE GOING TO BE SO OLD SCHOOL IN THE OLD CITY.

Anyway read all about my exploits in Jerusalem at this new blog I made for the event: We Out Here

If you are curious about my travel plans let me tell you all about them!
first tomorrow I have a Very Important Meeting in provo about all the orientation.
On Tuesday I leave SLC and go to Detroit and then from there to Paris (which I am weirdly excited about??? even though I'll only be in the airport, but apparently there is an amazing Macaroon place that I have check out). Then I will fly from Paris to Tel Aviv. exciting!! That's a lot of time in the air too. hopefully I keep entertained and my many many devices don't die :/

ok well I'm just putting off more important things so we out


ok look I'm only going to say one thing about this

all the other people going to BYU Jerusalem:
faces censored to protect the innocent

then there's me:
pictured: actual gremlin


important announcement about the lifespan of this blog

oh... I forgot to post on here. heh. well I have some big news.


yes children that is because I got into the animation program! I can FINALLY GRADUATE FROM COLLEGE! (in three years). hooray finally in a major!!! It only took..... four years. SUPREME SENIOR STATUS NO REGRETS. actually this is what I'm thinking the system is like:

Senior (where I'm at rn)
Super Senior
Superlative Senior
SUPREME SENIOR (hopefully when I graduate because after that all that's left is:)
Blood Pact Senior
Weird Senior
Dreadnaught Senior (probably a grad student maybe?)
Dark Senior
Fear Senior
Eternal Senior (aka PHD student or medical student in their final year of residency)

so yeah just shy of a decade to get my undergrad of course no problem that would happen. It's fine. It's fine. OK LOOK AT THIS:

below the cut for ridiculously dysfunctional learning about how I got in: