
The Not Schoolios

INDIANA JONES: everyone is going to school and it's making me sad (for the first time ever) that i'm not going until freaking january
me: aw
me: we can be not schoolios together
me: that is going to be the name of our gang
INDIANA JONES: not schoolios
INDIANA JONES: choosin the thug lyfe

Hello friends, now that I am no longer in Provo I guess this is no longer the appropriate blog to post on but whatever I'll be back there eventually so I don't care. I figure I will share with you all what I will be doing with my time between now and when I leave to Namp it up. Here is a nice list that I may or may not elaborate upon (this reminds me I need to go over that one list of predictions I had someday that will happen)

  • DRAW YES???? I'd better.
  • work at the JCC and make some money to pay for how anal retentive I am being about my
  • NEWT COSPLAY/HALLOWEEN COSTUME that I am making. If you haven't seen pacific rim yet, I'm disowning you until you get to the nearest dollar theatre and watch it and also take me with you (wait actually I just looked it up and they are still playing it in a couple of random non-dollar theatres)
  • read a certain novel by a certain friend
  • make a new facebook profile picture seriously I am getting sick of Lady with a Very Small Mouth
  • maybe write a novel, I don't know
  • take mission prep and do other church related stuff to my mission what
  • that last sentence made no sense
  • actually I guess it did
  • ffffffFAMILY HISTORY!!!!! you know I am going to do so much genealogy I will have the fam traced back to Adam and Eve.
  • watch pacific rim about 17 more times before I leave
  • Tumbl my life away (let's be real here this is how I'll be spending 87% of my waking, non work time)

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