
I need to write a post about getting my mission papers in and talking about how much summer term sucks but I really lack that mental capacity right now so here have a bunch of snapchats I saved up over time

my brother everyone.
found at the BYU library. because here at BYU we put education first.
waiting at the frontrunner station at 10:30 at night is party time all the time
everything you need to know about my animation application and why I didn't get in
And here we see my trip with my Sisters family from a month ago as chronicled through my saved snapchats (I still need to write them a note thanking them for putting up with me for so long):
much smaller in real life
E3 summed up in one snapchat
this is my niece
tha flight home
 and that's all you rly need to know.
the cover of my latest sketchbook
an important memo
my mom everyone
the best face I've ever made in my entire life
the utah summer games
I'm a winner
my mom's a winner too. but the real winner here is my hair.
I'm a lot better looking than my brother.
Cinderella III: A Twist in Time is the best disney sequel ever made
after like a month of being like "no I can make it" I finally gave in an went to the store.
everything you needed to know about llama fest but were too afraid to ask
I got a haircut.
tune in next time to see where I'm going on a mission leavin you wishin that you had a man!

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