Hi I never posted this! Probably wanted to add some gifs or something and then forgot about it. This post was originally written the winter semester of 2017 and I'm just going to share it as is while I work on finishing off this blog once and for all. Enjoy!
Hello friends I am here. What is new in the life of shan????????? Well I mean the entire last semester RIP. yeah my life is good and also I'm going to jerusalem over the summer, but here is a MAGIC TALE FROM MY LIFE ARE YOU READY?????
ok so I was sTRUGGLING ALONG getting my drawing for animation homework done (and honestly it did not even be that good [wowwwwww what is english]) but to reward myself I went to the vending machine after. well at the bottom of one of the refrigerated. YYOUKN OWY WHAT THIS WILL BECOME A BLOG POST. ok on the bottom of one of the refrigerated vending machines they sell apples for IDK how much because I'm an unhealthy person and never buy apples (ever or really any fruit or healthy food period) out of the vending machine. Anyway this machine somehow got a little... messed up. The apple was somehow placed precariously hanging over the edge of the vending machine (like if it didn't have a built in protector thing, you could totally reach your hand up and grab it without even bending your wrist) I might need to provide an illustration for this post on the blog btwwwww. and I'm like "well that's messed up lol" and didn't really think much of it. I ended up deciding to buy a chocolate muffin which was like three rows up, exactly over the messed up apples, but again, still not thinking much of this situation. AS THE MUFFIN IS DISPENSING it occurs to me "oh, the muffin is probably going to hit the apple isn't it" and SURE ENOUGH.
So this is already a great A+ experience in my life, but it is only IMPROVED UPON BY LEARNING THE OTHER HALF OF THE TALE. I go up to class eating my free apple and am like living the life and begin to tell the story to some of my friends who are hanging out before class starts. Well my friend Michael comes up and I'm like "MICHAEL LOOK AT WHAT I HAVE BEEN BLESSED WITH IT IS THIS APPLE" and he knows EXACTLY what apple I'm talking about because about an hour prior to my receiving this bountiful vending machine harvest Michael also went to the vending machine, BUT WITH THE INTENT TO PURCHASE AN APPLE. he saw that the machine was messed up and thought if he bought an apple he would get two which he didn't want and so he tried to buy a blueberry muffin(next to the chocolate muffin) wITH THE THOUGHT THAT IT WOULD HIT THE APPLE ON THE WAY DOWN but guess what. nope. and then when he got his muffin it was all squished up. there's some moral in here about intent to commit vending machine fraud but I'm not here to get into the lingo. Until next time (probably like 2 years from now)!